Value Pill Box W/ Alarm Timer. PB1555
Qty: 150 | Qty: 300 | Qty: 500 | Qty: 1000 | Qty: 2000 | Qty: 3000 |
Price: 4.93 | Price: 4.41 | Price: 4.41 | Price: 4.07 | Price: 4.07 | Price: 4.07 |
Cool Compact Case With 2 Large Compartments, Timer, Alarm Reminder, 3 Buttons For Easy Operation
Decoration Method(s): Screen Print / DTF |
The Compact Yet Spacious And Clever Digital Pill Organizer Has Cool Functions Such As A Built In Timer, Alarm Reminder, 3 Buttons To Set Minutes And Hours For Easy Operation And Built In Battery. The Case Has 2 Large Medicine Compartments. Use The Alarm Reminder And Never Forget To Take Your Daily Medicine Again! This Is Our Best Value Pill Box For Medical And Pharmacy Businesses, As Well As Hospitals, Private Doctors, Medical Conferences And More... Batteries Are Included.